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  • Writer's pictureajumbleofhappy

boat out of water

It’s funny how attached to our boat the dogs have become. We bought the pontoon this year and took it out almost every weekend over the summer. We would often take the two dogs with us for the ride. We often went out as a family of four, especially when we knew we would be out for long days. There aren’t a lot of spots for them to potty, and we didn’t want any issues to arise.

When we would get the cooler ready and I would pack a particular bag, they knew exactly where we were going. They would start jumping around and barking, getting excited. On the few days we did leave them, they would cry and howl for a reasonable amount of time after we left. However, on the days they got to go, they jumped in the truck and were ready for the fresh breeze.

Now that the boat is out of the water and parked for the winter, they still get excited when they see it. I had to go up on the boat to get a few things off it, and they both sat on the ground watching me. When I went to the side, they would run over and stand on their back legs, hoping I would pick them up. We obviously aren’t going anywhere, but if I were to lift them into the boat, they would stand on the seats like little kings.

Eventually, we will need to strip the boat to replace the flooring. I’m not sure how the dogs are going to react. I feel they will be devastated, watching their toy be taken apart. Until then, I guess we will be spending time sitting on the boat under the trees so they can get their fill.

dogs looking up at a boat on the land
Dogs watching their boat


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