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  • Writer's pictureajumbleofhappy

capturing moments in verse

My work primarily focuses on delivering informative and educational content. However, there are moments when creativity sparks. It was during a sleepless night when my mind refused to rest that I realized it may be important to document this creativity.


At 2 am, I found myself crafting short quips and phrases in my mind. They turned into a wonderful poem that detailed a moment in my past.  Once I got to the end, I realized how powerful the poem was and thought I should probably capture this on my phone.  I didn’t move fast enough and I lost the wonderful words and reflection of my past.   This moment served as a wake-up call. I realized that I had unlocked a new form of self-expression, and I couldn't afford to let it slip away again.


One of the most compelling aspects of poetry is its ability to transport us to a different place and time, bringing up memories and emotions long buried. Now, I've made it a mission to capture these thoughts and emotions as they arise. By documenting my thoughts in this blog, I hope to preserve the essence of these fleeting moments and share them with others who may resonate with the stories I tell through verse.


My journey into poetry has been a testament to the power of creativity and the endless possibilities that lie within us, waiting to be explored. Whether you're a seasoned poet or someone like me, just starting to dip their toes into this world, I hope you'll find inspiration in my journey of capturing moments in verse. Together, let's celebrate the beauty of words and the stories they can tell, one poem at a time.

Albert Einstein quote
Albert Einstein quote


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