Every morning around 10:00 or 10:30, I head out to collect the multitude of eggs from our chickens. While out there, I check out their coup and see if they need water, food, or a little cleaning. About every other day the top of the coup needs a poop clean-up but that is easy as none of the chickens are up there while I do it.
Whenever they need more food, the chickens seem to know I’m about to do it and crowd the door. Once I open it to grab the container, they are gone. They explore the yard, pecking at the ground and eating the grass. I have to go into the house to get the food but then come back and watch them enjoy the free range. While they normally go towards the house, occasionally they will walk the opposite way and into the woods. I have to keep a close eye on them because it will be extremely easy for them to go all the way down the hill and into the creek.

Three of the chickens will let me pick them up, so they aren’t a problem. The other three flap their wings and escape my grabs, leading me to a wonderful chicken chase. The dogs normally mingle with the chickens, but sometimes they end up pushing them farther down the hill. While it was only once, I unfortunately did have to chase one of them, and I found myself trying to get to the backside of it so I could push it uphill and back to the coup.
While we were at Tractor Supply the other day, I bought chicken treats. I decided to put some in the coup while they were out the one day and as they realized what I did, they slowly made their way back inside. It was so easy; I was a little shocked by it. The next time I let them out, a few heard the bag and high-tailed it back inside to get first dibs. Now every time I let them out, I bring treats and they get excited. They enjoy their freedom, but as soon as I sprinkle the treats, they run back in to eat them. It makes for an easy return to coup experience for me, so I will happily do it every time.