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  • Writer's pictureajumbleofhappy

doe a deer

When we decided to move to the mountains, I never anticipated seeing so many types of wildlife. I know that seems ridiculous because my backyard is basically trees, but I wasn't ready for what was to come.

We have seen foxes, coyotes, woodpeckers, cardinals, owls, and groundhogs during our time in this house. One day, we had the doors open because it was gorgeous out, and a bear walked right into the back of our house. Oh yes, INTO the house, and took some apples and a strudel off the counter. That completely blew our minds.

five deer standing in the grass
Deer Enjoying Our Backyard

Out of all the animals we see, the deer are the ones that come in packs. Last year, we had the same few deer come every day to visit. This year, though, the amount of deer that come daily is crazy. We have at least three bucks come a day - a 4-point, 6-point, and 8-point. We also have a 10-point that comes to visit. Around five does come throughout the day and a mom with two babies.

Every time I see them, even years later, I still sit and stare at them. They are gorgeous animals, even the coyotes. Amazingly, the town is a mere 15 minutes away, but we see these beautiful creatures from the comfort of our back porch.

I didn't grow up in the country or see animals like this unless I went to the zoo as a little kid. Seeing them as an adult wows me. We feed them corn every night and can even get within feet of them. The best part is we watch them go from their springtime color to their winter-ready fur. It's one of the things I was not prepared for, but I am happy to have it as part of my jumble of happy.

doe and two baby deer
Momma Doe and Her Babies

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