Since my girls go to the same school, they obviously ride the bus together. In the morning, we get into our UTV Mule (nicknamed Dominick) and head up our road to the bus stop. For clarity, our house is off a dirt road and sits back about a quarter of a mile. It’s not a long walk, but it is uphill and covered in rocks. Maybe we are too soft, but we drive the girls back and forth daily to avoid anyone falling.
I never take the doggos in the morning because they are too crazy, and I like a serene morning. Plus, this morning in particular, I needed to bring the trash cans back from the curb, and I didn’t want the dogs to get too close to the street.
When we got to the bus stop, I opened the door and found my younger dog standing beside me. He was not near us when we left the house, and the front door was closed. I was very confused about how he was standing next to me. My oldest held on to him while I moved the trash cans away from the street. While loading them, I was trying to figure out how this happened when I looked down the road, and here comes the other dog. He is my older dog and not as fast.
After the girls got on the bus, I and the pups headed back home when I saw that the back door was never completely closed. Both dogs heard the mule pull away, ran outside, and chased us to the top of the hill. I was in awe at their cleverness. But sitting here now, I have to giggle. Sometimes, the dogs can’t let me have a moment alone, but in this case, they didn’t want to be alone in the house. It makes me smile.
