Looking at our weather forecast, we expect highs in the 70s for the foreseeable future. Fall is coming, and while the stores around here already have the pumpkin stuff out, the weather, for me, is what brings fall. Also, football is back, and I’m excited to see where that leads my teams.
Fall is my favorite season because we didn’t have Fall as a child. I grew up in Florida, so it went from extremely hot to somewhat hot to overly warm and back again. It only got cold when I went to college in the Panhandle. Other than that, I wore flip-flops year-round with a hoodie. I didn’t see the leaves changing colors or get that transition from hot to cold.
During my time in South Carolina, I got a brief look at what fall really was. I saw the leaves change colors and felt the temperature lower. We even got a little snow while we lived there. But nothing compares to Fall up north. I still remember our first season in this house. Having so many trees in the backyard meant I got to see so many colors. It was beautiful.
This season, above all, makes me happy because it’s the first one after the summer. It’s the first one where the cooler temperatures push in, which means windows open and dinners outdoors. It’s the first season where I get to experience non-Florida weather. Moving away from Florida wasn’t easy, but I get a smile every time Fall arrives.