Becoming a parent in my early twenties was a life-altering event. While most of my peers were still exploring their own identities and enjoying their independence, I was embarking on the journey of parenthood. Raising children at such a young age certainly had its challenges, but it also allowed me to grow alongside my children. Now, in my late thirties, I find myself facing the challenges of parenting teenagers. Those once-helpless infants have grown into independent individuals with their own thoughts, interests, and social lives. It's a phase of parenthood that makes me reflect on my own journey to adulthood.
Despite the responsibilities and roles that come with age, I often feel like I haven't fully embraced the label of "adult." Society often sets certain expectations for adulthood, yet, the reality is that the path to adulthood is far from straightforward. One of the intriguing aspects of parenting is that, while we are tasked with guiding our children, it sometimes feels like we are the ones still growing up. Parenthood is an endless learning experience, and the journey of raising teenagers can serve as a constant reminder of my own ongoing self-discovery.
So, when do we truly grow up? Is it when we reach a certain age, achieve specific milestones, or gain a particular level of wisdom? The answer is far from universal. Adulthood is a subjective concept, and it's okay to feel like I'm still evolving, even as I navigate the responsibilities of parenthood. As I approach my forties and my children edge closer to legal adulthood, it's crucial to embrace the ongoing journey of self-discovery and personal growth. There will undoubtedly be moments when I still feel like a child at heart, and that's perfectly fine. What matters most is acknowledging and accepting these feelings while also recognizing the maturity and wisdom I've gained along the way.
Parenting through the ages is a unique and transformative experience that can challenge our perception of adulthood. Whether you became a parent in your early twenties or later in life, the journey of raising children can be a constant reminder of the fluidity of adulthood. Growing up is not a destination but a lifelong process of self-discovery and personal growth. Embrace the journey and remember that it's okay to still feel like a child at heart while taking care of your own children. After all, parenthood is a beautiful blend of growing up and holding onto the child within.
