Pronunciation: uh-lak-ri-tee
Definition: Alacrity refers to a cheerful willingness, promptness, or eagerness to do something, often characterized by a brisk and enthusiastic attitude.
Part of speech: Noun
Synonyms: eagerness, enthusiasm, readiness, promptness, willingness, briskness, swiftness, quickness, zest, gusto
Antonyms: reluctance, hesitancy, unwillingness, apathy, lethargy, sluggishness, procrastination, indifference
Example: He agreed to help with the project with such alacrity that it boosted the team's morale and efficiency.
"Alacrity" is commonly used to describe a state of readiness or enthusiasm when approaching a task or opportunity. It implies a cheerful and eager willingness to take on a task or respond to a situation.