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  • Writer's pictureajumbleofhappy

anniversary love

A few weeks ago I shared how I can tie my love for my husband to sunsets (sunset dreams). Normally I’m the first one up, but while we were on our vacation, I slept a lot. Not having the dogs wake me up early was a wonderful thing. But on the first day, my husband woke up first and opened the curtains to our room. The rays of the sun woke me up and I was none too happy.

sunrise on the sea
sunrise on the sea

He went out onto our balcony and I reluctantly followed him. To my surprise, he woke me up just in time for the sunrise. I got to see the purple, pink skies I love with the sun’s rays peeking out from behind the clouds in the sky. We sat in the chairs on the balcony and watched the sunrise from the sea. It was a beautiful site, and knowing we were there together watching made it even more special.

piece of cheesecake denoting an anniversary
anniversary cheesecake

We had a wonderful day together and at dinner, we shared that we were celebrating our anniversary. After our meal, the servers brought us a piece of cheesecake with a little Happy Anniversary sign on top. It may seem like a simple thing, but I enjoyed that day. Not only did it start with a beautiful sunrise, I got to spend the day with my love and then celebrate that night. No complaints, just anniversary love.

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