I know we saw Taylor Swift in concert (read about it here: the eras to rememba) but when we heard about the tour being in theaters, we knew we wanted to see it. Seeing as Comic Con was on the 13th, we were going to have to wait until Saturday to see it. However, when it was announced that the movie would be out Thursday night, I bought tickets to go. My oldest wasn’t feeling well, so my youngest and I went on our own.
Because it came out a day early, it was only my daughter, myself, and two other people in the theater. I knew every part of the concert, and yet I was still excited to see it in theaters. As it started, my daughter and I started singing right away. We didn’t dance because I was enjoying being comfortable, but I did bop and wiggle in my seat.

When we attended the concert, we were up higher on the side and had to rely on the side screen at the time. Seeing it in theaters though allowed us an up-close view of the facial expressions. It allowed us to see what the dancers were doing. It gave us a better look at the outfits and the shoes. It wasn’t only reliving the concert and experience; it was seeing it in an all-new way.
Part of me wants to go again just to see what else I missed. We have had a few busy weekends, and I don’t know if we will have time to go back. I wanted my husband to go with us as well, but he had other things to do that night. If it ever goes on streaming, he will happily watch with us. But for now, I will listen to the newest rerelease of 1989 (Taylor’s Version).