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  • Writer's pictureajumbleofhappy

lined rainbow art

I talked a while ago about the art I made for the one side of my TV in the living room. (Read about it here: color in art). Since I still had some canvases, I decided to make another painting for the other side. I wanted this to be different and unique, so I didn’t look for inspiration but instead started painting.

I put blue, green, yellow, teal, pink, and orange paint directly on the canvas and brushed them together. I then added some black and blended it in there. The colors were interesting; however, the black paint really took over the painting. I tried to reinvigorate the colors, but the black was too dark to be overtaken.

I sat staring at the painting trying to figure out how I wanted to handle it and thought maybe it needed some pops of colors to contrast the black. I added a few more drops of paint and then used a paint knife to spread the paint in a thin line. The bright colors made the background colors pop, so I added a few more. After I looked and thought the black was washed out, so I decided to add a few black stripes to complement the colors.

I like this painting, but I don’t. In the space, it looks extremely small considering I used 4 canvases for the color theory paintings. It also reminds me of a tiger when I see it. But it’s not something you can find in the store so I love it’s one-of-a-kind nature.

multi-colored art
multi-colored painting


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