Pronunciation: ih-fem-uh-ruhl
Definition: lasting for a very short period of time, fleeting, or transient.
Part of speech: Adjective
Synonyms: transient, short-lived, fleeting, momentary, temporary, evanescent, brief, passing, transitory
Antonyms: permanent, enduring, lasting, eternal, perpetual, constant, timeless, everlasting, enduring
Example: The beauty of a blooming flower is ephemeral, as it will wither away in just a few days.
"Ephemeral" is commonly used to describe things or experiences that are temporary or short-lived. It can refer to events, emotions, objects, or phenomena that exist for a brief moment and then disappear. For example, the changing colors of a sunset, the fleeting nature of happiness, or the brief fame of an internet meme are all considered ephemeral