Pronunciation: pair-uh-doks
Definition: A paradox is a statement, situation, or concept that appears to be self-contradictory or logically absurd, but may actually reveal a deeper truth or complexity.
Part of speech: Noun
Synonyms: contradiction, puzzle, enigma, riddle, conundrum, anomaly, inconsistency, dilemma, oxymoron, ambiguity
Antonyms: clarity, certainty, straightforwardness, simplicity, straightforwardness, agreement, coherence, consistency, harmony
Example: The concept of time travel creates a paradox because if you travel back in time and change the past, it could alter the future in a way that prevents you from going back in time in the first place.
"Paradox" is commonly used to describe situations or statements that challenge our understanding of reality or logic. Paradoxes often involve conflicting elements that, upon closer examination, reveal a deeper layer of meaning or complexity.