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wotw: pernicious

word of the week: pernicious
word of the week: pernicious

Pronunciation: per-ni-shuhs


Definition: Pernicious describes something that is extremely harmful, destructive, or detrimental, often in a subtle or gradual way.


Part of speech: Adjective


Synonyms: harmful, damaging, destructive, detrimental, deleterious, injurious, malignant, noxious, poisonous, toxic

Antonyms: beneficial, harmless, innocuous, advantageous, healthful, helpful, wholesome, benign, constructive, salutary


Example: The pernicious effects of the toxic chemicals in the water supply became evident as more people fell ill.


"Pernicious" is commonly used to describe things that cause harm or damage, especially when that harm is hidden or not immediately apparent. It implies a sense of danger or toxicity.


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