Pronunciation: ser-uhn-dip-i-tee
Definition: Serendipity refers to the occurrence of fortunate or pleasant events by chance or accident, often when you are not actively looking for them.
Part of speech: Noun
Synonyms: chance, luck, fortuity, coincidence, happenstance, providence, fluke, accident, good fortune, happy accident
Antonyms: misfortune, bad luck, ill luck, unfortunate, premeditated, planned, intentional, design, purposeful
Example: Their unexpected encounter at the coffee shop was a moment of serendipity, leading to a lifelong friendship.
"Serendipity" is commonly used to describe the delightful discovery of something valuable or enjoyable when you least expect it. It is often associated with the idea that life's most wonderful experiences can happen unexpectedly, such as finding a rare book in a used bookstore or meeting a special person in an unexpected place.