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  • Writer's pictureajumbleofhappy


Here I sit in my chair

Thinking of you again

Wondering where you are

Going down memory lane


Have you met someone new

Or are you still with her

Still living your life

Like a wave you would surf?


One day you are up

Riding high on the crest

The next day you are down

Falling apart like a mess.


The current takes you in

And drags you down the beach

While you swim hard and fast

Grasping anything within reach


Just when you think

Your feet might touch the ground

The water engulfs you

And spins you around.


The farther you go

The deeper it gets

Until the water goes up

Like you are covered with sweat.


The water gets colder

The farther you go out

Until you can't come back

No matter how loud you shout.


The cold stings strong

Like a million knives

You aren't quite sure

If you are able to survive.


The wave will continue

Until you can walk away

To a life of peace

Without the water spray.


And I still sit here

Heading down memory lane

Thinking of you

And all the pain.



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