When I found out I was pregnant with my first daughter, we got a dog. She was amazing and moved from house to house with us. As the girls got older, we decided to get a new dog for the girls to take care of. Of course, it was still my responsibility, but this dog was from Santa so he has always been special to them.
Our first dog got old and ended up passing, leaving our puppy on his own. We were about to move into the home we have now and didn’t want to have a new dog to deal with as well. The years passed by and we noticed our dog was not very active. He would follow us around and be happy, but he seemed sad. I’m sure those who don’t have a dog won’t understand, but I know he was sad.
We decided to get a new dog a few years ago. They are both cockapoos and at the start, the older dog – M – was not a fan of the puppy – J. They weren’t mean to one another; J was just full of energy that M did not have. Part of me was concerned that they would never really like one another. Looking back now two years later, I’ve noticed how much more energy and excitement M has. He jumps when he is excited for dinner and he runs after the random wildlife in the yard.

The other night I was in bed alone reading my book and I looked up to see M and J cuddling. I was just floored by the adorable sight, so of course I had to take a photo. In the upcoming days, I noticed that the dogs were more on top of one another than before. For example, if one dog was in a chair, the other wouldn’t sit there as well. Now, they sit on the chair together and sleep.
I think J finally has calmed down and isn’t as rambunctious as he was as a puppy. M has definitely gotten younger, but J has matured. I always wanted them to be best buds and it looks like they finally are.

Here are a few other posts about my dogs: