We have been attending New York Comic Con for a few years and I shared the preparation my daughters did for the event (nerdy-case and sweet-clay-models). My husband’s costume was created last year so he didn’t have any prep. However, I feel his costume deserves a shout-out. My husband has been a Ghostbusters fan since he was a little kid. When we first started dating, I didn’t know the depth of his passion because there wasn’t a lot of Ghostbusters paraphernalia out in the world. The release of Ghostbusters: Afterlife brought to light just how deep his appreciation ran. We started buying all the merchandise we could and over time, he developed a massive collection of different things. He knew for Comic Con he wanted to be a Ghostbuster, but he didn’t want to buy something that was crappy. He began researching how to create an authentic costume and found a site that gave advice on where to buy the things he would need. He used his 3D printer as well for a few things. In the end, he made a pretty screen-accurate costume and has worn it for a few years now to Comic Con.

I wanted to surprise him by going as a Ghostbusters character, but I was struggling to make it work. I asked him for help, and he didn’t hesitate to say yes. But his help meant that we were going all out to ensure it was good. He worked and helped me create a wonderful Stay Puft costume. I loved our couple's costumes. I never thought we would do something like that, but it made for a fun day from all the comments and smiles we gave.