What started as a large tunnel has turned into a ditch
The darkness gets darker and the light fades quick
The sounds get quieter and the walls move away
You stand in the middle with no sense of place
Unsure of the next step or the right way to face
The feeling takes over until you cant breathe
And the terror chokes your voice away
The tears keep falling but not a sound is made
But you can feel the wetness as you wipe your cheek
One thought comes across that tries to calm you
Until the panic overtakes and even surrounds you
Every feeling inside melds together in sorrow
Happy thoughts turn dark in a moment of time
Like they have fallen in quicksand, sinking lower
Tomorrow is coming as fast as it can
But the monster inside isn't ready to go away
It makes the ditch bigger and deeper for you
To keep you held hostage in this feeling of blue
As time goes on the numbness takes over
Until the only option is to give in to the ditch
And make your home in it's depths.
