A family friend is having a birthday and she loves turtles. Seeing as I love crafting, I thought I would make something for her. After a trip to the dollar store, I realized there was nothing there to help with my plan, so I had to think of another path.
I went on a website and found a turtle that would look great as a 3D print but could have a little extra something added to it. I had my husband set up the print job and I waited. After the shell was done, we added a nice spray-paint primer coat. Without it, the paint wouldn’t stick to the print. A second coat of spray paint was added, but this one was a green color – which I luckily had in storage.
I went through my paint options and pulled out all the green hues that I own. I decided to use these and my dotting tools to adorn the little triangles on the turtle shell. I tried hard to keep the colors separated but as I got farther down the shell, I needed more colors. After all the dots were added, we sprayed on a nice top coat to seal the paint.
