While looking for fun Christmas gifts for the girls, I found a lot of interesting things. One of them was a book that had fun images to watercolor but it included the paint. There were different types – an underwater, a jungle, and an animal version – and after looking at them, I knew which ones each of the girls would like.
The kicker in it all was that I was interested in it as well. Since there were three, I figured “why not buy the third for myself.” Now it’s been a few weeks since Christmas, but I finally sat down to try it out. The color options were limited but I figured it was a chance to mix some together.
Without a grey, I went with a light pink for the rhino. For some areas I added more pigment to make it richer. In other areas I added more water so it would go farther. It was not easy to color some of the smaller areas, but it was fun to test it out and have a little fun with watercolor.
