I found this oddly shaped sign at, where else, The Dollar Tree. I'm very much a straight-edged girl, but this sign just looked fun to me. I typically do a wreath on my front door, but they are all "themed" to the season. I don't have a generic anytime sign, so I picked this one up.

Like the door hangar I created, I painted the entire sign white. Since this will hang outside my home, I knew moisture could affect it. Painting it all would (hopefully) seal the edges and prevent it from warping. Yes, even the back is all white.
I went to my Cricut and found a text I liked for the "Welcome to our home" text. I started to look through the various images in Cricut when I came across the tree. I know these look like Christmas trees, but I live among the trees and have a large fir tree outside my home. I thought it was a perfect option.
When it came to the colors, both my husband and I are fans of red and black. Plus the ribbon I bought is red and black so it was a win. I decided to add the silver text and a few white trees. At first, I only had black and white trees on there, but, as you can tell, the white trees are hard to see. I returned and printed out the silver, red, and teal trees. After adding them, I thought the little "forest" was a nice touch.

The sign included rope, so I didn't need to add anything to hang it. However, once on my front door, it looks perfect. With my front door painted black, the sign really looks nice. I still don't like that you can't see the white trees, however, I love the pop of teal. It wasn't planned or intentional, but now I can't wait for the company to see it.
