I have always enjoyed creating a mandala because, at the end of the process, they look so creative and fun. But the enjoyment runs deeper than that. It’s rooted deep in a love of geometry and symmetry.
The logo I created for my blog is a hexagon and of course that was on purpose. It’s easy to draw a hexagon or a triangle, which makes creating doodles with these shapes easy. If you draw a few triangles together, you can run lines within it and create an even more unique set of shapes. Out of curiosity, I created a mandala template from a hexagon, and I have grown to love it. I can make some really unique designs that have a very geometric appeal to them.

While I love shapes, I would have to say a circle is my least favorite shape. It’s so easy to misshape a circle. Take for instance the mandala shown in this blog. Around the outside are what should be circles. But I can quickly and easily see the ones that aren’t really a circle. To fix them and make them more circular, then, the design in that section doesn’t look similar, and you lose the symmetry.
Symmetry is one of the things I love about shapes, especially hexagons, triangles, and squares. I have created a few mandalas that are not symmetrical, and while I love them, they somewhat stress me out. I know I created them, and it must be weird to hear that a piece of art is stressful, but it’s not the same on both sides. Every once in a while, it is nice to go outside my comfort zone and do something that is “scary” which is why I did something out of the ordinary.