My husband is a huge Ghostbusters fan. He printed out a plaque one day to use his 3D printer and it sparked an idea in my mind. I decided to make him a wreath that we could hang on the front door for Halloween. I bought the wreath frame from Dollar Tree, and searched on Amazon for the right color mesh ribbon.
I ended up buying red and white in honor of the no-ghost logo, green for slimer, and yellow for the Ecto-1 license plate. While I waited for the ribbon to arrive, I painted the plaque. I kept the letter black, did an overlay of white paint, and added that touch of red for the no symbol. It took quite a few coats of paint to get it right because every time I did one color, I found myself having to fix another.
For the wreath, I know there are many ways to create them with this ribbon. In this case, I decided to tie the pieces onto the wreath frame. I first had to decide how long I wanted the ribbon to be so I did a test run. Then I cut a variety of pieces at the same length. I started to tie the ribbon on and tried hard to make it “random”. I didn’t want a huge section of red or a huge section of green. It was difficult to make it look like managed chaos.
It took a lot of fluffing and tinkering to get the final look of the ribbon, but the plaque needed to be attached as well. We used fishing line as it had holes in the corners, making it easy to attach. My husband loves the wreath, although he won’t let me put it on the front door in fear of it being ruined by the weather. Since I made it, it has been sitting on our fireplace mantle. It doesn’t go with the aesthetic of the room, but I love that he loves it so much.