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  • Writer's pictureajumbleofhappy


You said it was over

Everything with her

I took you back

How long did you lie?


All those trips

Driving back and forth

Weekends with you

Were the weekdays with her?


I saw her texts

You said it was nothing

I believed you

Shame on me


You ghosted me before it was a thing

Kept on ignoring me

One weekend it was love

The next it was gone


I kept moving on

One step after another

Pushing through the classes

Smiling with my friends


But then she called

Told me about your ring

The one you put on her finger

I couldn’t breathe


I called your dad

Hoping it wasn’t true

He confirmed it all

How could you


You ghosted me before it was a thing

Kept on ignoring me

One weekend it was love

The next it was gone


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