November has always been a month when I reflect on what I am thankful for. It started when the kids were young, and I would make a note about something different every day. Once they were old enough, we would get the kids involved and ask them to share what they were thankful for. Instead of spending an entire month listing the things I’m thankful for, I figured I would put them all out at once.
I’m thankful…
that I have a home that provides shelter for my family when the weather gets bad
for two functioning vehicles to transport us where we need to go
I can buy my daughters little things whenever I want
I can feed my family with groceries from the store every week
that we can eat out at restaurants occasionally
for the six chickens we are able to raise
that I am able to afford craft supplies to do what I love
for my two loving dogs who always know when I need a cuddle
for my oldest daughter who always challenges me
for my youngest daughter who keeps me on my toes
for my husband who loves me no matter what.
As I have done before, I will challenge my family to share something they are thankful for every day until Thanksgiving. It’s a great practice to realize just how much we have in life. Not every family is as lucky as us, and at their ages, I want my daughters to understand that concept. It will help them to appreciate the little things in life as they continue to grow.
