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  • Writer's pictureajumbleofhappy

no regrets

I remember showing up at your house

when I saw she messaged you

I should have known then

just where I ranked.

You told me you loved me

and silly me believed you. 

I imagined us growing old together

with two kids of our own. 

in a big house making love for so long.

But your love was a lie

because she was your one

and your didn’t even say goodbye

you left me hanging for so long. 

The years have gone by now

and I ended up with my one. 

I don’t regret the way it ended

because I got what I needed. 

I got happiness on a Wednesday

and two kids that make me smile. 

Life turns our how it should

even if in the moment it feels like weakness.

no regrets
no regrets


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