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  • Writer's pictureajumbleofhappy

the hardest goodbye was his

You told me it would be for a short time

Then you went and left

I had no reason to doubt the words you said

I believed in you


Days turned to weeks and you never came back

Left me what felt like alone

Next thing I know you had a new woman

And moved in with her


You were my hero, my favorite person

How could you do this to me

Even years later, it never gets better

No apology can make me forget


Fast forward to many years later

You moved on again

This time you met someone who had children

And decided to take them in


Your goal was to make her happy

So they can over a lot

You took them out to many a dinner

And spent lots of time with them


You were my hero, my favorite person

How could you do this to me

Even years later, it never gets better

No apology can make me forget


Now I hear stories about you taking care of them

Something you should have been doing for me

Instead I had to grow up faster than I wanted

And they got you more and more


I know it’s jealously and that is ok

But you should have been there for me

Seen me to school, celebrated my great grades

Instead I was heartbroken with grief


You were my hero, my favorite person

How could you do this to me

Even years later, it never gets better

No apology can fix this

the hardest goodbye was his   
the hardest goodbye was his  


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