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  • Writer's pictureajumbleofhappy

the reason

I sit here in my hoodie

Alone in the cold

Wanting to reach out

But too scared to leave


Nothing has been the same

Not since you left

You broke me in half

The day that you left


You are the reason I wear my armor

You are the reason I can’t trust

You are the reason I fear the future

You are the reason I am me


I bottle up the thoughts

Keep in the fears

Don’t open up to anyone

Turn to the screen


Looking back on the years

I see the friends come and go

But no one stays

because I let them go


You are the reason I wear my armor

You are the reason I can’t trust

You are the reason I fear the future

You are the reason I am me


I want to tell you

Scream and shout it

Let you know

how your actions affect me


but it’s easier to be here

saying nothing to you

learning to live like this

not facing the truth


You are the reason I wear my armor

You are the reason I can’t trust

You are the reason I fear the future

You are the reason I am me

the reason
the reason


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