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  • Writer's pictureajumbleofhappy

wash myself of you

You asked me to lunch

I happily agreed

Who would have known

Just where it would lead


I liked your laugh

You liked my smile

You broke my heart

And left me in pieces


I wish you didn’t talk to me

I wish I could go back in time

The one thing I would do

is wash myself of you


You texted me

I sent you jokes

It was all for naught

Cause you left me alone


You said it was love

I thought it was true

You lied to me

But I had no clue


I wish you didn’t talk to me

I wish I could go back in time

The one thing I would do

is wash myself of you


I asked for one thing

You agreed

You went back on that

I had to see


I wanted to hope

You said it was too much

I got hurt

You didn’t seem to care


I wish you didn’t talk to me

I wish I could go back in time

The one thing I would do

is wash myself of you

wash myself of you
wash myself of you


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