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  • Writer's pictureajumbleofhappy

what I know now

I was a freshman he was a senior

He had pretty eyes

He talked to me like I was important

I looked at him with a smile


Oh looking back all these years later

I still remember how it all felt

You and me hanging out, lots of joking around

But I wish I knew then what I know now


We hung out and spent time together

He showed me his pride

I enjoyed every moment with him

Floating on cloud nine


Oh looking back all these years later

I still remember how it all felt

You and me hanging out, lots of joking around

But I wish I knew then what I know now


May came so quickly and he graduated

Left the school for bigger and better things

A few years later he met a woman

Decided to tie himself to her


Oh looking back all these years later

I still remember how it all felt

You and me hanging out, lots of joking around

But I wish I knew then what I know now

poem: what i know now
poem: what i know now

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