I must confess, I honestly can't recall the exact reason I purchased these pens. I'm certain it had something to do with their novelty and the wide range of colors they offered. Regardless of the motivation behind my purchase, I'm eager to explore them.

Whenever there are both light and dark color options, I anticipate a fascinating comparison between the pen barrel and the actual ink color. The light green shade appears noticeably brighter than the standard green, while the green itself turned out much darker than expected. The same held true for the light blue and blue; the light blue proved to be quite pale, whereas the blue was surprisingly deep. Although I labeled it as pink, it appears more like a shade of magenta than a true pink.

Given that there were 12 color options to choose from, I decided to create a rainbow hexagon: red, orange, yellow, light green, light blue, and purple. For the letters "ajh," I chose pink; "umble" got teal; "of" received black, and "appy" was written in green. Even after these selections, there were still two colors left. I thought the blue would provide a nice contrast alongside the red, orange, and yellow side of the hexagon, while the light pink would do the same on the light green, light blue, and purple side.

I was enamored by the various hues these pens offered. The light pink, in particular, was vivid and perfectly captured the essence of light pink. The contrast between the light and dark greens was intriguing, and I was pleased to see they had distinct shades. Among them, my favorites are the pink and teal colors, although I can't quite put my finger on why. They wrote beautifully and stood out exceptionally well. I envision using them for creating mandalas, as they produced stunning designs.