I don't know where it came from, but I have a thing for pens. I love them - seriously love them. However, I've learned over the years that not all pens are equal. Choosing a pen for daily use is important for a good writing experience, so I figured I would take some time to share my thoughts on the pens I purchase. Let's talk about the Pentel EnerGel Pens.

It's easy to tell what the colors should be by the grip piece, but a test doodle is necessary before using the pen to see how accurate it is. In the case of the Pentel EnerGel, it is a pretty close match. I dare say that you accurately know what the pen will look like based on the grip color. From my doodle alone, I liked some hues more than others. For example, the green is too yellow-green for my taste, and the black is more of a grey than black. However, I liked how it felt to use the pens. It was a smooth writing experience.

I decided to use the pens to color in the ajumbleofhappy logo. I started with the red for the "ajh" and was pleasantly surprised by how graceful the pen was. I moved to the sky blue for the "umble," and I was shocked by how different the writing was. Every so often, while coloring, the pen would skip, causing me to need to go back over it. It took a lot longer to fill in the letters than anticipated.
I moved onto the black for the "of" and had the same experience as the sky blue. Worried that I got lucky with the red, I moved to the violet for the "appy" and was pleasantly surprised when it was as smooth as the red. At this point, it was half smooth and half rickety, so I wondered if there was something wrong with two of the pens. As I filled in the hexagon, I felt the orange and pink were easy to use, while the green and blue gave the same problems as the sky blue and black.

While I would never choose this color combination on a typical day, this was a great way to showcase the hues of the pens and test them out. I'm overall happy with the colors. I am still not a big fan of the green; the violet is much darker than the doodle. I normally like a good turquoise, but the blue is much richer than the sky blue. The red is definitely my favorite overall. I could see myself using these pens daily to take notes or to doodle in my notebook. I may use some colors more, but I like the pen's feel and the writing's smoothness.
Pens Used:
Pentel EnerGel RTX Retractable Liquid Gel Pen, (0.7mm) Metal Tip, Medium Line, Assorted Ink, 8-Pk (BL77BP8M1)